We want Nathan Cleary at Tigers: Ivan

Wests Tigers coach Ivan Cleary admits his desire to bring son Nathan to Concord is real as speculation begins to swirl about Luke Brook’s future.

The Tigers have a big decision to make over the next four months as they attempt to lure Penrith and NSW playmaker Nathan to the club in 2020 with No.7 Brooks off contract at the same time.

Under NRL rules, both will be able to field offers from rival clubs from November 1 with Nathan stating his desire to sort out his future in the off-season.

Nathan has made clear his desire to work with his father at one point in his career.

“It’s just another recruitment option,” Ivan said.

Pushed on whether he would like to team up with his son at the Tigers, Ivan said: “Yes.”

It puts Ivan in an awkward position – he has previously told Brooks to own the side and the Tigers local junior has responded by turning in the best season of his career.

It remains to be seen whether the Tigers can accommodate both Cleary and Brooks in the same side.

Both are organising playmakers and are arguably too similar.

Asked whether his son and Brooks could play together as a six and seven combination, Ivan said: “Who knows.”

Brooks has stated he wants to sort out his future sooner rather than later and Ivan denies there is any lingering tension.

“I think Luke is doing really well this year,” Ivan said.

“I think he’s developing nicely as a player. He’s a good person, he loves the club and that’s really important. He’s doing a great job at the moment.

“He knows exactly what the story is.

“Rugby league in terms of retention and recruitment, it’s an on-going circus really. Every day there is a discussion and it’s just how we roll.”

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