Blues discover Origin killer instinct

They’ve lacked a killer instinct for the last 11 years but NSW prop Aaron Woods insists the long-suffering Blues have learned to stand up when it counts.

Laurie Daley’s Blues will go in as overwhelming favourites to wrap up State of Origin II and the 2017 series on home soil on Wednesday night.

This is despite recent history showing they’ve failed to step up to the mark after taking game one.

Since 2006 the Blues have won game one on four occasions but only once – in 2014 – have they gone to clinch the series.

Coach Daley has publicly stated he fears Queensland’s ability to find that something special when all seems lost, having witnessed it several times over the past decade.

Woods said NSW had learned how to win with the game on the line and argued his side had the self-belief to match the Maroons.

“I know that’s one of the big things in Origin, when you do get the big play, you’ve got to take it with both hands,” Woods said.

“In my time the last couple of years we haven’t taken our opportunities when we had them, getting beaten by one point or two points.

“We’ve been fortunate enough the last couple of games when we did have the opportunities, we did take them.”

The Blues have a chance to wrap up a rare victory in a series in which two games have been played in Queensland.

Of the 17 series in which two matches have been played in Brisbane, NSW has won seven with one draw.

“Winning the big moments” has become a catch-cry for Daley over the last several series and the Blues have developed a winning mentality over the last 12 months, having produced the clutch plays in game three last year and in game one last month.

The Blues have at times been criticised for their predictable and conservative playing style during Daley’s reign, however Woods said their willingness to be adventurous with the football had led to them finding something special when it matters most.

“It’s probably just the style of footy we’re playing,” Woods said.

“Loz just wants to get the supports up, get around the ball so if there is a ball on the ground we can just pick it up or if there’s a gap – Fifita did a couple of good offloads in game one which led to tries.

“It’s just having blokes around the ball.”

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