Nisos ready to deliver on promise: trainer

Mornington trainer Paul Rocke expects Nisos’ new-found maturity to be a key factor in the four-year-old’s summer racing campaign.

“We’ve been patient with him,” Rocke said.

“He’s four now and we’re hoping he can start kicking some goals.

“The way he has matured he will be able to put in better runs off a more typical break of a fortnight.”

Rocke has opted to give his stable stalwart another hit-out in a sprint race at Flemington on Saturday before stepping him up in distance.

He said when Nisos won over 2000m at Caulfield in July he was coming off a five-week break while his best runs in longer races were all well spaced.

Nisos resumed at Caulfield on November 30 when he ran a close fifth to Loot `n’ Run over 1400m.

He races at Flemington over the same distance and although it is likely to be too short, it will build a base for longer races.

Rocke is eyeing an 1800-metre race at Caulfield on Boxing Day but says if Nisos can win before then his rating would rise dramatically and that race may have to be ruled out.

“He’s very well rated at 70 and, for his ability, that’s a very low rating,” said Rocke.

“It’s hard planning a program for him because as soon as he wins we don’t know where his rating will end up.”

Rocke’s former Parkdale schoolmate and good friend Chris Symons has been booked for the Flemington ride.

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