Frankel to race on Soft Track at Royal Ascot 2012

Conditions are expected to be rain-affected for the opening day of Royal Ascot featuring Australian mare Ortensia in the King’s Stand Stakes and superstar Frankel in the Queen Anne.

The ground eased to good to soft on Monday after rain overnight but dry weather is forecast until rain is set to return on Thursday.

“We had a drying weekend until Sunday night when overnight and Monday morning we had six millimetres of rain,” clerk of the course Chris Stickels told At The Races.

“It’s made us good to soft now. I think it will just be on the easy side tomorrow.

“It is going to dry a little bit between now and then. Drier conditions (are forecast) for Tuesday and Wednesday before some rain again on Thursday.

“The course has taken the rain exceptionally well. It does dry and drain quite quickly but we won’t need to add any water. I think it’s going to be completely natural this year.

“Thursday is quite tricky. There is a low threatening to push in from the Atlantic towards the end of the week. It is looking more threatening, but the timing and amount of rain it is likely to deliver is tricky.

“The estimate at the moment is between four and seven millimetres during the day on Thursday.”

The King’s Stand Stakes is scheduled for 12.05am Wednesday (AEST) while Australian champion Black Caviar will be in action in the Diamond Jubilee early on Sunday morning.

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