Injury-hit Dockers continue to defy odds

It’s scary how close Fremantle are dancing to their injury tipping point at the moment.

But it must be even scarier for their AFL rivals to witness the injury-hit club keep finding ways to win despite missing a host of their most important players.

With no Matthew Pavlich, Aaron Sandilands, Stephen Hill, Nat Fyfe, Zac Clarke or Kepler Bradley, Fremantle should have been ripe for the picking in Saturday night’s clash with Collingwood in Perth.

A Magpies win should have been a fait accompli when Dockers ruckman Jon Griffin suffered a suspected season-ending knee injury just 11 minutes into the match.

But instead of putting up the white flag, Fremantle unleashed a blistering start and an equally impressive finish to seal a gutsy 27-point victory, with the 15.10 (100) to 10.13 (73) triumph improving their record to 5-2.

Although midfielders Hill and Fyfe will return in Saturday night’s clash with Sydney at the SCG, Fremantle’s key position stocks remain battered – especially in the ruck and up forward.

Griffin was left a shattered figure after his right knee buckled while he contested a boundary throw-in against Quinten Lynch.

The 27-year-old had been in career-best form this season, and his absence means third-gamer Jack Hannath and defender Zac Dawson are likely to fill the ruck void against Sydney.

Clarke will take over as Fremantle’s No.1 ruckman in the coming weeks, but will need one or two WAFL hit-outs in the meantime after being cut down by multiple leg injuries this season.

“I saw him in the race on the way in, and I said ‘you need to stand up’,” coach Ross Lyon said of the 23-year-old Clarke, who has played 36 games since making his debut in 2009.

“He gets an opportunity, but when that is, I’m not sure.”

Lyon was proud of the effort his players put in against Collingwood, claiming hard work and discipline could overcome injuries to some degree.

But he warned his team could ill afford any more setbacks to key players.

“There’s a tipping point and common sense says you need a degree of mature elite talent. In the meantime you can get through,” Lyon said.

Small forward Michael Walters was brilliant against Collingwood with four goals, while defenders Luke McPharlin, Garrick Ibbotson and Paul Duffield also enjoyed strong outings.

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