Demons AFL captaincy was a shock: Grimes

Melbourne AFL co-captain Jack Grimes admits he was shocked when he was given the job and initially struggled with it.

The appointment of Grimes and Jack Trengove before last season has come under constant scrutiny, given their youth and inexperience in the face of the enormous challenge of leading a struggling side.

Grimes, who at the time was a 22-year-old with 32 games of AFL experience, concedes the leadership burden initially impacted on his playing.

“I was shocked, I’ll be honest,” Grimes told Melbourne’s SEN radio on Monday.

“When they said it I was definitely shocked and probably didn’t think I was ready.

“The first few games of the year last year it definitely took its toll.

“It affected my footy, I’ll be honest.

“I was worrying about what a captain should play like.”

He said some advice from former Demons skipper James McDonald, that he should focus on his own form first then the team, relieved some pressure and helped him become a better leader.

Grimes said maintaining the morale of Melbourne players in the face of some of the thrashings the club has copped this year hadn’t been easy.

“It’s been a really poor start to the year and at different times there have been different guys that have struggled with it,” he said.

But he added the club remained united behind under-fire coach Mark Neeld.

While he understood some fans calling for Neeld’s sacking given the team’s performances, Grimes said the second-year coach had transformed their training and preparation standards.

“It’s just gone to a new level – we train like I’ve never trained before in my life,” Grimes said.

He was confident that would eventually translate into performance in matches.

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