Serena Williams returns in Fed Cup doubles

The return to competitive tennis for Serena Williams will have to wait one more day.

Williams won’t be playing in either of Saturday’s Fed Cup singles matches as she makes her comeback five months after becoming a mother.

She will team up with Lauren Davis to face Lesley Kerkhove and Demi Schuurs of the Netherlands in Sunday’s doubles match.

“It’s definitely the start of a long process,” Williams said.

“Physically, I feel good. Every day, I get better and I get stronger.

“That’s just something I always keep telling myself every day, I have to get better.”

Williams, 36, hasn’t played an official match since winning the 2017 Australian Open.

She later revealed she was pregnant during that tournament.

Although Williams isn’t scheduled to play singles this weekend, that could change.

US captain Kathy Rinaldi has the right to change her Sunday line-up after Saturday’s play.

“We’ll wait and see how tomorrow goes and then we’ll make our adjustments, if any,” Rinaldi said on Friday.

Williams said the Fed Cup represents an ideal setting for her return.

Not only does it allow her to practice alongside a few different players, it also enables her coach and teammates to offer different perspectives on her progress.

“It actually is a really perfect opportunity to try to come back,” the 23-time Grand Slam singles champion said.

Venus Williams will play Arantxa Rus and CoCo Vandeweghe will face Richel Hogerkamp on Saturday as the US begin their title defence.

Sunday’s scheduled singles matches have Venus Williams facing Hogerkamp and Vandeweghe taking on Rus.

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