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Federer humbled to join sport’s greatest

Roger Federer is too humble to rank himself among sport’s all-time greatest athletes but admits he’s honoured to be in the conversation.

In matching Jack Nicklaus’s magical 18 golf majors at an age most players are long retired and his peers are at the peak of their own powers, the tennis superstar has sparked fresh debate around who deserves the mantle of best in sport.

The 35-year-old is undoubtedly the Pele, Ali, Nicklaus, Jordan or Bolt of the court after pulling four majors clear of Rafael Nadal and Pete Sampras on the all-time grand slam title leaderboard.

Federer, though, says it’s not his role to judge or compare where he belongs in the argument.

“Crossing sports or even comparing players, I mean, what’s better – is it doing something later on your career? Is it better to do something earlier in your life?” Federer told AAP as he savoured his remarkable Australian Open final triumph over Rafael Nadal.

“What I do admire is longevity and making the game more popular and the ones you’ve mentioned have done that in their respective sports.

“And I think yesterday was a celebration of tennis and it was great to be part of that. It was beautiful.

“To be compared to different athletes is great, but it’s unknown really to yourself to know the magnitude you have in the sporting world.”

Federer said his return to the grand slam winners’ list for the first time since 2012 and in his first official tournament back after six months out recovering from a knee injury was “special on so many fronts”.

“It tastes better this way when you have to wait for a while and then when you finally get it, I think the joy is different,” he said after overcoming Rafael Nadal in a five-set thriller to become the men’s oldest grand slam champion in 45 years.

“You’re trying to figure it all out and when you’re so close to winning, you don’t want to mess it up.

“It almost went away from me in the fifth set but I managed to turn it around in the fifth maybe the best I ever have in my life, especially against such a player of Rafa’s calibre.”

Federer said landing his first slam as a father of four also made this victory sweeter.

His twin daughters Myla Rose and Charlene Riva were too young to appreciate his 2012 Wimbledon triumph but, now seven, they understand better what their famous father’s playing for.

“They were most excited about the trophy and just seeing everybody so happy,” he said.

“The pity was that the match finished late. I couldn’t have them at the courts or anything like that. It was too late.

“The boys (Lenny and Leo) were not born in 2012 yet so, from that standpoint, that’s very special to win my first grand slam with the boys as well.”

Turning 36 in August, Federer hopes to be back in Melbourne for a 19th consecutive crack at the title.

But the realist can’t promise he will be.

“If not, this was a wonderful run here and I can’t be more happy to have won (for a fifth time),” he said.

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