No rugby tens for league defector Barba

Ben Barba’s hopes of playing for Toulon in next weekend’s Brisbane Global Rugby Tens have been scuppered by Australian Rugby Union boss Bill Pulver.

Barba, the former rugby league star who was released from his NRL contract after testing positive to cocaine following Cronulla’s 2016 premiership win, signed a $2.5 million deal with the French club and was set to make his debut at the Brisbane tournament.

However, Pulver declared Barba would not play as he was serving a sanction and promised that he and National Rugby League boss Todd Greenberg would be “completely aligned on this issue”.

“There won’t an issue between the NRL and the ARU. It will really be an issue that we need to talk to – once we understand the sanction in detail – there will be a conversation with the (rugby federation) in France, who will be responsible for talking to their club,” Pulver said.

“And if the sanction does not allow him to play rugby league in Australia next weekend, he won’t be playing rugby union in Australia next weekend.”

Pulver returned from a conference in San Francisco on Thursday morning, where he said he had held constructive talks on the issue of Australian rugby talent being lured to Europe by lucrative contracts.

“They throw a lot of money at our players – French clubs, English clubs and, to some extent, Japanese companies,” Pulver said.

Pulver said he spent a couple of days with the French Rugby Federation’s (FFR’s) new chief executive Serge Simon and there was a focus on the body taking back control of the game from the big spending clubs.

“When clubs in the French Top 14 competition have the majority of their players being international players, it limits the ability to develop their local talent to represent their national team,” Pulver said.

“The local competition is not working in tandem with the FFR to develop players right through to the elite level.

“That’s one of the issues, thankfully, that the new administration are going to focus on. And that will be a very good thing for southern hemisphere rugby.”

Organisers of Brisbane’s Global Tens won’t fight the ARU’s ban on Barba.

“We’ve got 300-plus players at this tournament so losing one that was never there in the first place is not a big deal,” Duco Events co-owner Dean Lonergan said.

“We haven’t really lost anything.

“Ben Barba would have been a curiosity factor.

“I was mildly looking forward to it but am I disappointed he is not going to be there? Not really.”

The ARU has a long-standing reciprocal agreement with the NRL that they observe each other’s drug sanctions.

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