Brumbies urged to step up against Reds

The Brumbies might have enjoyed a scrap so far this Super Rugby season but coach Jake White says it’s time for his side to bring their A-game throughout – starting against the Queensland Reds on Friday.

After five close matches, delivering three wins and two losses, White has urged his squad to step up and lead from the front rather than playing the “catch-up” rugby they’ve become accustomed to.

“One thing we’ve been very good at is how we finish, (but) we can’t always want to be playing catch-up rugby,” the World Cup-winning coach said.

“We’ve started really poorly in games and started even worse in the beginning of the second halves.

“If you look, we let the Cheetahs score straight after halftime, we let the Sharks score off us straight after halftime.

“So we need to start well and give ourselves a fair chance of not always having to catch up in games.”

The Brumbies have set themselves a difficult challenge against the defending champions, who have only lost one out of the past 17 games at Suncorp Stadium and will be desperate for points after a horror three-week away schedule.

At home, the Reds are set to welcome back Wallabies No.8 Radike Samo and Beau Robinson in the back-row and Rob Simmons at No.6 to boost their ranks and prevent a fourth consecutive loss – something they haven’t had since 2009.

White has meanwhile continued to re-arrange his squad following their 29-26 defeat to the Sharks.

A season-ending injury to five-eighth Matt Toomua has resulted in Christian Lealiifano reclaiming the No.10 jersey, pushing Pat McCabe to inside centre and allowing NRL convert Joe Tomane a starting spot on the wing.

Dan Palmer, who was rested last week to allow him to recover from illness, will resume at tighthead prop, while White has decided to start Ita Vaea at No.7 over the promising Michael Hooper.

Vaea was rewarded for a solid performance off the bench against the Sharks.

“We saw the damage he did literally in 30 minutes so, if he can do that sort of damage in 40, 50, 60 minutes … he would have done his job,” White said.

“At the same time, Michael’s played really well – it’s not dropping him or anything – but there’s no place in rugby for sentiment.

“It might be a good thing to have Michael and Scott Fardy (brought in) at the end of the game hoping to not only stop (the Reds’) tempo but hopefully create a bit more from our side.”

White said it would be foolish to underestimate the Reds despite their losing streak.

“They haven’t become bad players overnight,” he said.

“It’s a tough competition and if you’re not on your game you can lose.

“They’ve still got some great depth and they are a championship team.”

The Brumbies can clear a gap for themselves at the top of the Australian conference with a win. They sit on 18 points, ahead of the Reds and Waratahs who are on 13.

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