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UK police told to wear a smile for Games

British bobbies have been ordered to put on a smile for the Olympics to show visitors that the UK is a happy country.

A mandate sent out to all officers tells members of the force that they should be of a happy and “cheerful disposition” as they go about their work during the Games, says the Daily Star newspaper.

While the Games begin on July 27, the massive police and security operation, lasting more than 60 days, starts much earlier with blanket bans on annual leave throughout the police service.

“We expect police officers to be police officers anyway, which means they will be professional, courteous and helpful … but an individual officer’s demeanour is down to the individual officer,” Police Federation’s John Coppen told the tabloid.

“You have good days, you have bad days, same as anyone else and we are no different.”

The memo sent to officers was part of a Look and Feel strategy from the Association of Chief Police Officers.

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