NRL reject Ferguson contract

The NRL has rejected an application from the Sydney Roosters to register a playing contract for Blake Ferguson for the remainder of this season.

Ferguson, who has been without a club since being sacked by Canberra at the end of last year, was added to the Roosters payroll last month in a non-playing community relations position.

The 24-year-old, who is recovering from ankle surgery, had hoped to run out for the NRL premiers this year,

However, NRL chief operating officer Jim Doyle said the decision to reject the contract was based on an assessment of Ferguson’s record of conduct over the last two years.

Doyle also said Ferguson had given an undertaking that he would undergo a program of clinical support and counselling before the NRL would consider registering him and this is not yet complete.

Doyle said the NRL would consider any future application for Ferguson to return.

But he warned that a relevant factor in the decision would be whether he has engaged in and completed an appropriate clinical support and counselling program.

Last Thursday Ferguson was banned from pubs, clubs and bottleshops at his appeal hearing over an indecent assault charge in Sydney.

The judge upheld Ferguson’s guilt over a 2013 indecent assault charge but set aside his conviction on the provision that he stay away from alcohol outlets and seek counselling for alcohol abuse.

The former Canberra and Cronulla winger was convicted in December of groping a 24-year-old woman during a boozy night out at Cronulla’s 2230 nightclub.

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