No match-fixing in NRL, say NSW police

NRL boss Todd Greenberg insists fans should feel reassured of the game’s integrity after a two-year police investigation found no evidence of match-fixing.

But he says the league will not be complacent and will work with authorities on a series of recommendations to prevent organised crime infiltrating the sport.

NSW police say their probe, while finding no match-rigging, uncovered potential criminal offences relating to drug supply and money laundering that do not involve the NRL and they have referred them to the force’s Organised Crime Squad.

As a result, senior officers this week made recommendations to the NRL to ensure clubs and players are not exploited by criminal identities.

“While detectives have not preferred criminal charges relating to these issues, their investigation highlighted activities and practices that are deemed as high-risk for the NRL,” a police statement said.

Greenberg said the lack of match-fixing was a “vote of confidence” in the sport but that it would continue efforts to protect its integrity, including working with clubs and players on drug and gambling programs.

The aim was to “educate players on the need to make the right lifestyle choices”, he said in a statement on Friday.

During the course of the investigation by Strike Force Narulda, detectives interviewed more than 160 people, including current and past players, referees, club officials and professional punters.

They also executed 59 search warrants, gaining access to bank accounts, TAB accounts and phone data.

Police had been alerted to the possibility of match-fixing by unusual betting patterns on matches.

They also investigated the notion of point-shaving in matches. However, they also found no evidence it was actually occurring.

Manly Warringah Sea Eagles chairman Scott Penn said the club welcomed the investigation clearing it of “unsubstantiated allegations”.

“The good news is that the investigation is now behind us,” he said.

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