Nervous Slater will bounce back: Smith

Nerves have plagued Billy Slater ahead of his long awaited NRL comeback from injury but Melbourne captain Cameron Smith has backed the veteran fullback to return to his best.

Slater will finally end his year-long wait to return from second shoulder reconstruction in Thursday night’s clash with Brisbane at AAMI Park.

The 33-year-old has been restricted to eight games in two years due to ongoing – and at one stage career-threatening – shoulder dramas.

“I’m excited. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was nervous a little bit. I feel like it’s my debut all over again,” Slater said on Tuesday.

Slater is confident he’s done enough preparation for a successful return but admits his expectations may be lower than some observers.

“I understand there’s a lot of expectation, a lot of hype, no matter when I return,” he said.

“My expectations are just to get out there and get through the game.

“My expectations probably aren’t as high as everyone else’s but I’m sure the competitiveness in myself will take over when I get out there.”

Smith said a quick chat with Slater on Tuesday revealed just how anxious the veteran was before his big game.

“I caught up with Billy over a cup of tea. There’s no doubt he’s got some nerves there getting back into the game,” Smith told Fox Sports.

“We are talking about a guy who has had consecutive shoulder reconstructions, not played since round one 2016.

“And it wasn’t minor surgery. It was an operation that could really affect his life after football.”

However, Smith didn’t expect Slater to succumb to nerves once he crossed the white line.

“He is the type of guy, once he gets out on the field he doesn’t worry about his body, he plays at 100 per cent,” he said.

Smith was keeping his fingers crossed that Slater got through Wednesday’s final training session unscathed.

“I want to see Billy Slater back as much as anyone else. It would be great for rugby league and the fans,” he said.

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