Kearney retains NRL coaching hopes

Former Parramatta mentor Stephen Kearney says he has ambitions to return to the NRL as a head coach despite his two troubled seasons with the Eels.

Kearney, who has ruled out a move to the UK’s Super League because he does not want to unsettle his young family, is poised to take on a fulltime role as New Zealand’s national coach in the lead up to the 2013 World Cup.

That Kiwi tenure could be another chance for Kearney to prove himself after leaving the Eels following last night’s upset win over Melbourne with a coaching record of 10 wins from 42 games.

“I have got the coach’s disease,” Kearney said.

“And it is a disease, you always want to be a coach. The last three months have put a bit of a dent in it but that’s always been an ambition.”

Kearney, who named prop Mitchell Allgood, centre Ryan Morgan, and stand-in five eighth Joseph Paulo as among those Eels players he expected to have long NRL careers, said he had no regrets.

“Some things just don’t work out for whatever reason,” he said.

“I could give you a thousand but I’m not going to.

“I came here with an expectation and an idea to try and implement something that was going to be long-lasting, but that’s just the way it is.”

As six-time premiership coach Wayne Bennett told ABC Radio Grandstand that the Parramatta job was a “bridge too far” for a coach as young as Kearney, Storm coach Craig Bellamy said he was disappointed with the way Eels players had performed for his former assistant.

“I’m really disappointed for Steve,” Bellamy said.

“I probably shouldn’t say this, but if Paramatta showed that sort of resolve they showed defensively (against Melbourne) all year, he might still have a job.”

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