Kahu chasing Broncos No.1 jumper in NRL

Jordan Kahu has made his positional desires no secret, volunteering himself to replace the injured Darius Boyd at fullback for the Brisbane Broncos.

Captain Boyd is still on light duties as he strives to return to full fitness after hamstring issues.

Enjoying a pain-free preseason after groin surgery, Kahu hopes to see some time at the back in the side’s NRL trial against the Gold Coast Titans in Toowoomba this weekend.

“I’ve made it no secret that I like playing fullback; if I’m not playing fullback then I’m not really bothered (where I play),” he said.

“I played fullback growing up in (rugby) union and it was the easiest position to transfer to (when he started playing rugby league).

“If Darbs (Boyd) is no good I’ll definitely put my hand up and take that spot … I’ve always seen myself as a fullback and love that position.”

While direct in stating his ambitions, Kahu is far from bitter about being shunted to the wing at the Broncos and can even see the benefits of it.

“Darbs is one of the best in the game so it’s a bit easier knowing that you’ve got someone ahead of you of that calibre and I’m happy that he’s our fullback,” the 27-year-old said.

“But I made the New Zealand team because of my versatility and have probably been kept here (at Brisbane) for a while because of that as well, so you’ve got to take the good with the bad.”

Kahu is happy with the outcome of his surgery despite admitting he has not yet resumed goal-kicking at training since the operation.

“From about March all the way through (the season) I was just struggling to run and training was modified for pretty much whole year,” he said.

“As soon as I got the surgery I felt a lot better; it’s so much better running now without it.”

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