Green to channel Robinson’s winning ways

New North Queensland coach Paul Green has arrived in Townsville ready to do things by the book – Trent Robinson’s book, to be exact.

Green knows he’s faced with a tough task in steering a talented but erratic Cowboys outfit to an NRL premiership 18 years in the making.

And the rookie NRL head coach says his season in training as assistant to Sydney Roosters coach Robinson has taught him how a first-timer should go about winning a title.

“It’s worked out perfectly for me because I’ve been able to sit back and see how Robbo handled things this year,” Green said of the Chooks’ fairytale season.

“He had a couple of challenges he had to lead the club through and he did a wonderful job at it, and that was a great experience for me to see how he did it.”

And in his first step to channelling Robinson’s famously calm attitude, he laughed in the face of suggestions the pressure may get too much.

“It’s a high-pressure job, it’s very results-driven,” he told reporters.

“All our fans and supporters expect to win and I’m not worried by it.

“But I’ve been involved in top-level rugby league for pretty much my whole life, with the highs and the lows.

“It’s important that you don’t let your highs be too high and your lows be too low and try and keep an even keel on things.”

Green is gearing up for a somewhat depleted pre-season training with the club he played 35 games for from 1999-2000 during a stellar 10-year NRL career.

Rugby League World Cup squad members Brent Tate, co-captains Matthew Scott and Johnathan Thurston and James Tamou will be absent in November when the Kangaroos contest pool matches in the UK.

“That presents a few challenges for us,” Green said.

“We need a certain number of players training so we’ll probably elevate a few of the under-20s guys and have them train full time.

“The first port of call’s probably just getting that organised and getting some staff in the right positions.”

Green said he planned to meet with current assistant coach Terry Matterson to discuss keeping him in the role.

He also confirmed reports Nathan Brown was his first choice for the assistant’s job but added that the St Helens head coach was committed in England.

“There’s a few guys up there so I haven’t made any decisions,” he said.

Former coach Neil Henry was told his services would not be required in 2014 after the Cowboys looked set to miss the finals series.

The side then went on to win six matches, only to lose their elimination final match against Cronulla in a controversial clash which featured a seventh tackle try to the Sharks.

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