Earl’s comeback plans scrapped

Sandor Earl’s ambitious plans to play amateur football while ASADA continues to decide his fate have been knocked on the head by World Anti-Doping Authority regulations.

The former Canberra, Penrith and Sydney Roosters NRL winger was hoping to scratch his competitive itch as he waits for the Australia Sports Anti-Doping Authority to confirm a lengthy suspension.

Earl is thus far the only player charged in ASADA’s drawn out investigation after he was issued with an infraction notice for the use and trafficking of the performance-enhancing drug CJC-1295 in September.

The 24-year-old took to Twitter on Monday to declare his intention to return to competitive football.

“Any League/Union tournaments or knockouts going on at the moment?? Professional/Fun I still haven’t been banned and am fitter then ever!!,” Earl wrote (sic).

But former ASADA boss Richard Ings put those hopes to bed on Tuesday when he informed Earl that if he took the field his expected ban would begin then not when he played his last game for the Raiders on August 25 against Manly in Canberra.

“your expected ban will start from the day you last competed. Lace up anywhere on the planet and your suspension clock re-starts,” Ings tweeted (sic).

To which Earl replied: “Done well scratch that last tweet then!! Ha cheers” (sic).

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