Blues eye two-hooker strategy for Origin

NSW will seriously consider picking a specialist hooker on the bench for the first time in two decades for June’s State of Origin series opener against Queensland.

Blues coach Brad Fittler admitted on Tuesday it was a “big possibility” the Blues could run with two hookers in their squad in Melbourne, with Cameron McInnes, Damien Cook and Apisai Koroisau all likely in the frame.

Not since the Super League-stricken series of 1997 have the Blues gone with a specialist hooker on the bench, when Parramatta dummy-half Aaron Raper was picked for Game II.

Since then selectors have preferred a utility option, with Craig Wing, Dean Young and Craig Gower among those to have come off the interchange and into dummy-half despite having played the majority of their club career elsewhere.

But with Fittler desperate to find a way to nullify Queensland captain Cameron Smith in the No.9, he’s indicated things could well change.

“I’ve always thought that was a tactic they haven’t looked deeply enough into in the past,” Fittler said on Tuesday.

“But there is a big possibility we will go in with two hookers.

“Given forwards are so fit and if the game is at stop-start as it is, a lot of the time you don’t get to give forwards a full game.”

Fittler has already suggested club combinations could be beneficial, poignant given Koroisau’s combination with the Trbojevic brothers at Manly and St George Illawarra’s in-form forward pack alonsgide McInnes.

But he indicated that wouldn’t necessarily count against Cook at South Sydney.

“If they have to come in and they’re the only person from the club then that would have to be it,” he said.

“I think McInnes is playing with a few St George Illawarra forwards at the moment who are playing really good – it could be beneficial to him.”

How Fittler handles his bench will be key.

The prevalence of concussion checks mean there has been a shift in the NRL to do away with a second hooker, and instead play a utility.

Blues assistant Danny Buderus nominated Tyrone Peachey as an option on Tuesday, after the Penrith said he felt he could figure in almost any position for the Blues.

But Fittler also has the advantage of Wade Graham in his 17 – if he is fit – who has played anywhere from the halves to lock and could potentially figure at centre in the case of an injury.

Graham isn’t due back from a hamstring injury until as late as a fortnight before the team is named, but Fittler indicated he’d be more willing to have him slot straight into the side than uncapped halfback Nathan Cleary – who is also due back round 11.

“Some players have more State of Origin experience most probably get a bigger leeway there. Rookies you probably want playing up to Origin or be as fit as they possibly can,” Fittler said.

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