Webber reveals his Red Bull replacement

Mark Webber has all but confirmed fellow Australian Formula One driver Daniel Ricciardo will be his replacement at Red Bull next year.

Webber, who is retiring from the sport at the end of the season, made the revelation in an interview recorded after qualifying for Sunday’s Belgian Grand Prix.

Asked who he would like to see take his seat in the No.2 Red Bull alongside championship leader Sebastian Vettel in 2014, Webber told Channel 10: “The decision’s made. We all know who it is. I’m happy with that decision.

“It’s good for him and good for Australia.”

Ricciardo has remained coy about a potential move to Red Bull, saying on Friday it was “not a done deal”.

“I’m not going to assume anything. For me there is still a seat up for grabs,” said Ricciardo.

“Obviously there is a bit of excitement around, but there is nothing further to say from what I knew in Budapest.

“I think I’ve learned that until something is signed, sealed and delivered nothing is ever concrete.”

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