Greenpeace holds protest at Belgian GP

SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS, Belgium, Aug 25 DPA – Greenpeace campaigners have taken part in a protest at the Formula One Belgian Grand Prix against oil company Shell’s Arctic drilling plans.

Two activists of the environmental group climbed up to the roof of the main grandstand where they unfurled a 20-metre-long banner reading, “ARCTIC OIL? SHELL NO!”

Two paragliders had flown over the Spa-Francorchamps circuit before the race trailing another banner protesting race sponsor Shell’s activities in the Arctic.

At the victory ceremony, a Greenpeace activist abseiled from the roof above the podium carrying a banner reading, “Congratulations! Now help us save the Arctic!”

The protest did not affect the grand prix, and race winner Sebastian Vettel and drivers Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton on the podium appeared oblivious to the protest.

“We are a bit confused here because the crowd are booing and cheering and I’m not sure why,” Vettel said.

In a statement issued following the protest, Greenpeace international executive director Kumi Naidoo said: “I was a fan of Grand Prix racing when I was growing up, but I am not a fan of what Shell is doing in the Arctic.

“Right now we are in the race of our lives against Shell, a company that sees the melting of the Arctic as a business opportunity, rather than a warning.

“Every driver and F1 fan knows that oil on the tracks spells disaster; an oil spill in the Arctic would be catastrophic.”

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