F1 boss wants Vettel dominance to end

Formula One boss Bernie Ecclestone believes Sebastian Vettel’s dominance could be harming the sport and wants this season’s title to be decided when Brazil hosts the final race.

Vettel became the youngest F1 champion in the last grand prix of the 2010 season.

But the German Red Bull driver successfully defended his title with three races to spare in October, and Ecclestone is concerned interest could be affected if that happens again.

“We always say this, but I hope the last race is going to be the one where the championship is won,” Ecclestone said on Thursday.

“We don’t want what happened last year, which was not too good … the only person that would say no to that would be Sebastian, but I think everybody else would agree with it.

“But it wasn’t good. I am surprised we survived with (the TV ratings) we got right at the end. I often wonder whether people watch because of the championship or watch because of the particular race.”

Last season, the 24-year-old Vettel finished 122 points ahead of second-placed Jenson Button of McLaren, the 2009 champion.

Lewis Hamilton came fifth last year, his third barren season since winning the title in 2008.

“I think if he doesn’t perform this year, he’ll be looking maybe to move on (from McLaren), and the team may also be looking for him to move on,” Ecclestone said of the Briton.

But Ecclestone believes the 27-year-old Hamilton is “a bit more focused” going into the season-opener at the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne on March 18.

Ecclestone insisted there has been an overwhelmingly positive reaction at the prospect of returning to Bahrain, despite last season’s race being called off due to the political unrest in the Gulf kingdom, which has led to 40 deaths in a year.

“Nobody is saying we’re not going or we don’t want to go or anything – everybody is quite positive,” Ecclestone said.

“I’ve told all the teams there’s no problem at all. I’m absolutely 100 per cent sure we’ll go there and there will be no problem.”

The island of 525,000 inhabitants became the first country in the Middle East to be awarded a grand prix in 2004.

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