Bad year will make me better driver: Power

In the aftermath of his controversial drought-breaking IndyCar race win, Will Power believes his struggles this year will make him a better driver.

The Australian claimed his first win in more than a year at the Grand Prix of Sonoma in California on Sunday (Monday AEST) despite a controversy involving his pitcrew and New Zealand driver Scott Dixon.

It was a big turnaround for the three-time series runner-up, who has battled to stay competitive in this year’s championship.

But Power is taking a positive approach to his difficulties, saying 2013 could be the year which teaches him the lessons he needs to bounce back as a challenger next year.

“I just think you start really looking close at your weaknesses,” Power said.

“My oval performance wasn’t very good. This year, I definitely had to get points on ovals because we weren’t winning races on road courses.

“Also, the mental aspect. I really believe it makes you stronger, having a year like this. You’ll come back next year a serious contender.”

With four races remaining in this year’s championship, Power is mathematically still in contention for the title along with 12 other drivers.

At eighth in the competition standings following his win, Power’s title bid is realistically over however and he says his focus is on securing the crown for Penske teammate Helio Castroneves.

“Of course I would love to be in the battle right now,” he said.

“This year is to make sure Helio wins the championship. We’re going to help him any way possible for the next four races.”

Castroneves finished seventh at Sonoma and the Brazilian holds a 39-point series lead over Dixon going into this weekend’s Grand Prix of Baltimore.

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