Temple Of Boom off to Melbourne early

Star Queensland sprinter Temple Of Boom is likely to depart for Melbourne earlier than planned after rain washed out a crucial barrier trial at Doomben on Tuesday.

Trainer Tony Gollan was forced to work Temple Of Boom with stablemate Theft in a 600-metre sand gallop on his home track at Bahram stud, just outside Toowoomba, after being advised of the cancellation of the Doomben barrier trials.

“I got a call at 3.20am to say the trials were off so I galloped him here with Theft,” Gollan said.

“There wasn’t much between them at the finish but Temple Of Boom isn’t a star worker.”

Temple Of Boom will run first-up in the Group One Lightning Stakes (1000m) down the Flemington straight on February 18 before the Group One Newmarket Handicap (1200m) on the same track on March 10.

He has a first class straight course record with three wins, a third in the Group Two Salinger and sixth in the Group Three Bobby Lewis.

“It’s disappointing to miss the barrier trial but I’m not too concerned yet,” Gollan said.

“I’m very happy where I’ve got him presently and I hope to organise a float to Melbourne next week.

“He had a jump out over 650 metres at Toowoomba two weeks ago but I wanted to trial him today and go down about ten days before the Lightning.

“I’ll probably go next week now and give him a jump out at Flemington.”

Gollan has offered the ride on Temple Of Boom to James McDonald but has not heard back from the star New Zealand jockey.

Temple Of Boom will have two starts in Melbourne before returning home for a Group One Stradbroke Handicap campaign with stablemate Spirit Of Boom.

“I’ve got both of them nominated for Dubai but it’s highly unlikely they’ll go there,” Gollan said.

“Depending on the weather, Temple Of Boom could come back home via Sydney.

“If it happens to be wet in Sydney I might run him in the (Group One) Galaxy but the plan is to keep him in work for the Stradbroke.”

Spirit Of Boom is currently enjoying a short break following his Magic Millions Cup victory at the Gold Coast earlier this month.

“Spirit Of Boom will have a traditional lead-up to the Stradbroke but I’m not sure if I’ll go the weight-for-age route or the handicap way,” Gollan said.

“I’d love to win a Group One race with any horse but it would be nice with Spirit Of Boom as he’s an entire and it would be great for his stallion value.

“I’m probably not qualified to say what you need to win a Stradbroke but I think he is.

“I’ve got both bases covered for the Stradbroke with Temple Of Boom who loves the wet and Spirit Of Boom who loves it dry.”

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