Online bookmaker refunds Cox Plate 2013 bets on Atlantic Jewel

Online bookmaker sportsbet has refunded almost $250,000 to punters who backed Atlantic Jewel to win Saturday’s Cox Plate after the champion mare was scratched today.

The refund includes all futures bets and multi’s on Atlantic Jewel.

With the Mark Kavanagh runner now out, It’s A Dundeel assumes outright favourtism at $4.00 in what has quickly become a wide open race. As a result, will refund punters their bet on the Cox Plate should their selection run second or third.

Pussiance De Lune moves onto the second line of betting at $4.20, ahead of Fiorente ($4.80), Long John ($7.50) and Happy Trails ($17).

“It’s just devastating news regarding Atlantic Jewel. We really feel for connections. As she’ll now miss the big one, we’ve refunded almost a quarter of a million dollars to our punters who backed her outright and included her in multi bets,” said’s Ben Hawes.

Market courtesy of
2013 Cox Plate
(Prices in brackets prior to Atlantic Jewel’s scratching)
$4.00 It’s A Dundeel (in from $4.20)
$4.20 Puissance De Lune (in from $6.00)
$4.80 Fiorente (in from $6.00)
$7.50 Long John (in from $13)
$17 Happy Trails (in from $34)
$21 Green Moon (in from $26)
$21 Foreteller (in from $41)
$21 Super Cool (in from $34)
$26 Shamus Award
$34 Masked Marvel (in from $41)
$41 Seville (in from $51)
$51 Rekindled Interest (in from $67)
$67 Mull Of Killough (in from $101)
$67 Side Glance (in from $101)

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