Roos backs Clarkson’s coaching call

Premiership coach Paul Roos has backed Alastair Clarkson’s call to introduce a coaching accreditation pathway for AFL bosses.

The Hawthorn boss sparked debate with a presentation to the AFL Commission last Sunday that said coaching under-9s football required more teaching than taking the reins of a AFL club.

Calling for better support of AFL coaches through an qualification process, Clarkson has since gained support from Swans coach John Longmire, his former club president Jeff Kennett and ex-Brisbane boss Michael Voss.

Roos added his name to fans of a regulated coaching pathway – pointing to Voss’ admission he wouldn’t have taken the Brisbane Lions job if he had his time again.

“He’s a strong voice, Michael Voss,” Roos said.

“He’s a guy we all thought would coach, he obviously jumped in early, and to hear him say if he had his time over again, he’d definitely do an apprenticeship, that’s a strong voice.”

Roos, who has re-entered coaching ranks with Melbourne this season, suggested qualifications could allow other young coaches escape the wrath of club boards that too readily push the exit button.

“There’s probably coaches who have nearly got the sack who have gone on to be premiership coaches,” Roos said.

“What’s happening at the moment is we don’t really know how to pick a coach, we don’t really know when to sack them, or if to keep them.

“It might be as much as just one vote on a board that says `let’s get rid of him’ or `let’s keep him’.

“At least let’s give guys a chance when they come in the system to be successful.”

Comparing coaching to a regulated profession like teaching which requires years of study, Clarkson said he was “really concerned the game doesn’t protect itself” but Roos was more optimistic on the profession’s future.

“I agree with Alastair. We need to do more work on developing senior coaches,” Roos said.

“It’s an unsophisticated industry.

“But as long as we’re all aware of it and we all work to make it better, we’ll continue to improve.”

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