Queensland’s karma wins AFL grand final

Nathan Buckley calls it karma, and premiers of states overlooked to host the AFL grand final agree.

Brisbane’s Gabba ground will host the premiership decider on the night of October 24, with the AFL favouring Queensland over bids from Western Australia, South Australia and New South Wales.

Collingwood coach Buckley says the decision was the right one.

“The Queensland government needs to be acknowledged and appreciated for their role in the AFL’s capacity to get a season so far down the track,” Buckley told reporters on Wednesday.

“It’s a bit of karma … and it’s fitting they are rewarded as a state.”

Adelaide Oval is on standby to host the grand final, should Queensland suffer a COVID-19 outbreak.

“Congratulations to Queensland, they put in a huge effort this year to keep the AFL season alive and they’ve been rewarded for that,” SA Premier Steven Marshall told reporters.

“We put in a strong bid, a passionate bid … unfortunately, we were pipped at the post.”

WA Premier Mark McGowan said hosting the decider in his state “wasn’t one of my top priorities”.

“What we’ve said the whole way along to the AFL is you need to abide by our quarantine and safety conditions, and we’re not going to give you millions of dollars,” McGowan told Mix 94.5.

“WA has the best stadium … and the most healthy and safe environment, but they went to Queensland for other reasons obviously, so good luck to them.”

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said it was sad, but fair, to shift the grand final from Victoria.

The MCG held a contract to host the game until 2057, which has now been extended a year.

“It’s not fair for us to say ‘we have a contract and we want it honoured’,” Andrews told reporters.

“The notion of having a grand final with no crowd when there are alternatives, I don’t think that would be fair.

“We’re accepting of the fact that our circumstances … (mean) that it’s impossible we can give the AFL some of the certainty they need so many weeks in advance.”

GWS coach Leon Cameron saud he would have loved Sydney to host the showcase game. but backed the Brisbane decision.

“We know the great challenges we have in growing the game in the northern markets has been huge,” he told reporters.

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