Midfield duels the finals key: GWS coach

While some things change in AFL finals, Greater Western Sydney coach Leon Cameron reckons one thing stays the same.

Just as in the home-and-away season, Cameron says midfield duels will determine the victor in Thursday night’s qualifying final against Adelaide.

“Normally, the battle is who wins the midfield normally wins the game,” Cameron told reporters on Wednesday.

“And I don’t think it will be any different tomorrow.”

Cameron predicted a rugged stoush with the Crows in the Adelaide Oval final.

“To be totally honest, I think the game is going to be a game of turnovers,” he said.

“There’s going to be an enormous amount of pressure. There’s going to be an enormous amount of nerves from both teams because that is just what happens.”

Cameron rated the Crows as “the best side in the competition by a mile” at hurting opponents by causing turnovers.

“We have got to use the ball a bit better out of our back half,” he said.

“In saying that, you can’t be too cute and you also can’t be too slow as well because, if you go too slow against the Crows, then they set up really well and lock the ball in their half of the ground.

“So we have got to be patient at times, but we have also got to be brave.

“We have got to get that right mix.”

Cameron was adamant his Giants were better placed for this year’s finals compared to last year, when they were defeated in a preliminary final by eventual premiers, the Western Bulldogs.

“Are we better prepared? Absolutely, because we have played finals last year,” he said.

“Realistically, you guys (media), myself and everyone watching is going to judge our 22 tomorrow.

“And if we compete like we know we can, then we’re a massive chance to beat Adelaide.

“But if we don’t, you can then ask the question why we didn’t step up to finals footy.

“So the pressure is on everyone, them and us, to perform tomorrow night.”

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