GWS CEO happy with AFL season’s crowds

Greater Western Sydney chief executive David Matthews is confident the fledgling AFL club is on the right track, despite drawing their worst crowd for the year on Saturday.

GWS were spirited in their 28-point loss to North Melbourne and Israel Folau played his best AFL game to date, but a crowd of just 6,696 turned up at Showground Stadium.

It meant an average crowd of 8117 from the six games the Giants played at their new redeveloped home.

Matthews said he was satisfied with the support GWS had received in their maiden AFL season.

“This is the first year of a 50 to 100-year club,” Matthews said.

“This club’s going to be part of western Sydney and Canberra for a long time to come.

“I just can’t wait to see this place full.

“When you think we’ve got these young players who are going to become household names, it’s a short space of time before we fill Skoda Stadium.”

Matthews was similarly content with how the club had fared on-field in their first foray into the AFL.

“We’ve won in Sydney and Canberra – our two home bases. We’ve won two games and a lot of people thought we may not,” he said.

“I think we’ve earned a lot of respect on the field.

“…We know from the Gold Coast experience that year two can be difficult.

“So that’s a good caution for us to make sure we don’t take year two for granted.”

Meanwhile, GWS coach Kevin Sheedy said his club would be able to find someone to fill the void left by outgoing senior assistant coach Mark Williams.

“I’ll back my experience in to select coaches anytime, because I’ve been doing it for 30 years,” Sheedy said.

“Coaches move around like we all do, and I think in the end we’ll … end up with another good group of coaches.”

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