Dew backs AFL’s cautious re-start approach

He may be “going a little bit crazy” without football but Gold Coast coach Stuart Dew has backed the AFL’s cautious approach to resuming their competition despite the NRL’s bold decision to re-launch next month.

Dew admitted he hoped the AFL re-started sooner rather than later after the NRL announced on Thursday that it would return on May 28.

“I am missing any kind of sport at the moment. I am going a little bit crazy at the moment,” he said.

But Dew believed the AFL’s decision to shut down the season until May 31 and have a return-to-play plan in place by the end of the month was the right one.

“We are (hopeful it re-starts soon) but we are also mindful,” he said.

“We want to make sure when we start, that’s it, we can finish the season.

“I think they have been quite deliberate in that towards the end of April they will re-visit that.

“It’s not a bad move by the AFL just to take the time.

“One thing we don’t want to do is rush the start. We want to make sure everyone is good to go from a health perspective in line with society, that’s our priority.”

Dew was unsure what the competition re-start would look like but not only backed the mooted concept of creating quarantine hubs for teams, he wanted the Gold Coast to host one.

The idea of creating hubs where teams are isolated to limit their exposure to coronavirus has had its critics with GWS chairman Tony Shepherd saying it could carry similar risks to cruise ships.

But Dew was clearly a fan.

“We won’t hide the fact that we would love for southeast Queensland to be one of those hubs if we were to go down that path,” he said.

“We know the climate in this area is fantastic, we have got the facilities, numerous hotels if teams needed to be housed and we have the oval facilities.

“But whether those hubs even happen we are not sure.”

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