Dank lets lawyers handle ASADA move

Sports scientist Stephen Dank is letting his lawyers deal with ASADA’s show-cause letter, a move AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou says is long overdue.

The day before the start of the AFL season, it emerged ASADA had sent Dank a letter alleging anti-doping breaches while he ran the supplements program at Essendon.

It is understood the notice alleges 34 breaches of anti-doping rules.

“I have no thoughts – I won’t be responding, saying much, doing anything,” Dank told reporters outside his house on Friday.

Dank made it clear his lawyers would handle the matter.

“Don’t worry, there will be plenty of legal action,” he said.

It is unclear whether the authority will also issue Dank with the same notice over his time at NRL club Cronulla.

Earlier on Friday, Demetriou welcomed ASADA’s move.

Demetriou also blasted Dank’s scheduled appearance at a fundraising lunch next week, calling it tacky.

“Long overdue – disappointing that it’s happening on the eve of the season,” Demetriou told Fairfax Radio when asked about the development.

“I would have preferred that it was sent earlier, but it is what it is and it’s not a surprise.”

The notice was sent after the Federal Government appointed retired judge Garry Downes to help ASADA with the complex Essendon and Cronulla supplements investigations.

Downes has an April deadline to finalise his report.

“We welcome the appointment of the federal court judge,” Demetriou said.

“It just appears that they are working towards that (April) and I think it is good for everybody.”

But the saga could well drag on for months once Downes makes his recommendations.

ASADA started the investigations more than a year ago and Demetriou said he did not why they were taking so long.

“It was a very complex issue and it continues to be a complex issue – unlike anything that’s been experienced in this country before and I don’t even know on a global scale when you’re talking about a team,” he said.

“It has gone on long enough and let’s hope it draws to a close.”

Demetriou expressed sympathy for Essendon players who could potentially be charged with anti-doping offences.

“You’d have to think that young men would find it hard,” he said.

“I don’t know anyone … who wouldn’t be thinking about the ramifications and what this all means, this causing angst.”

Demetriou also made his feeling clear about plans to have Dank speaking at a sportsman’s lunch on March 21.

“It’s tacky – given that he’s been asked on countless occasions to appear and to front inquiries, for him to appear at a sportsman’s lunch speaks more about him than it does anything else,” Demetriou said.

“There will be interest, but I’m not quite sure what he’ll be talking about.”

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