Cross has plenty to offer Demons

Veteran midfielder Daniel Cross is happy to mentor young Demons but believes he still has the ability to make an impact on the AFL field firsthand.

Cross joined Melbourne after 13 seasons with the Western Bulldogs, with new Demons coach Paul Roos looking to the hard-working 30-year-old to help mould his young squad.

After 210 games, Cross feels he still has plenty to offer and wouldn’t change what has worked for him for so long.

“My job, like I’ve done in the past 13 years, is to go about my business, train as hard as I possibly can, do the extras while people are not watching and that gives you the best opportunity to be in the best 22 or the starting 18.

“It all comes out in your training and work ethic and my mindset has never changed one bit.”

This season Cross managed only 13 games and finished outside the Bulldogs’ top 10 for the first time in a decade. He admitted that being cut stung.

“It was really hard for me to hear that the club I was drafted to (didn’t want him).

“I love that club dearly and that will never leave me, but I’m a Melbourne player now and fully committed to helping the club move up the ladder.”

Cross said he slotted straight in at training, where he quickly gained insight into how Roos wanted the Demons to play.

“We’ve certainly started with a lot of grappling. It’s the first thing I did at the club in our first training session,” he said.

“Roosy’s really big on being hard around the footy and hard to play against. His style was always big on stoppages and that’s something with the game plan we’re going to be rolling out.”

With the former Swans premiership coach on board, as well as 11 new players, Cross said it was a like a fresh start for everyone.

Another player starting anew is former Adelaide midfielder Bernie Vince.

Admitting he initially wasn’t happy to be forced out of the Crows, where he played 128 games, Vince said he had since embraced the change.

“I’ve put all of that behind me and I’m rapt to be here and we’ve got some really good young guys coming through. I can see some really good times ahead,” the 28-year-old said.

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