Black Caviar forces AFL game time change

The popularity of superstar racehorse Black Caviar has prompted the AFL to change the timing of a game.

Black Caviar’s next race is in Adelaide on May 12, the same day the Adelaide Crows host Geelong.

The starting time for the AFL match has been brought forward 30 minutes, and the race of Black Caviar – who attracted a sell-out 30,000 crowd to Morphettville last Saturday – put back half an hour.

The alterations give AFL spectators an hour after their game to get to Black Caviar’s race.

“We are excited to be able to have both codes working together to deliver two great sports to the South Australian public,” South Australian Jockey Club chief executive Brenton Wilkinson said in a statement on Tuesday.

“To see Black Caviar run for her 21st consecutive win is a history-making moment and these changes will enable everyone the best opportunity to do so.”

The Crows match will start at 12.45pm local time, with Black Caviar’s race from 4.20pm.

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