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AFL investigating Taylor allegations

The AFL says it is working with Western Australia Police after being made aware of “extremely serious” assault allegations against young Sydney Swans player Elijah Taylor.

The allegations were made by the woman who was involved in Taylor’s COVID-19 protocol breach last month.

The 19-year-old Taylor is suspended for the rest of the 2020 season after his then-partner entered the Swans’ accommodation in Perth when not authorised to do so.

On Saturday night, the same woman made a series of alarming claims against Taylor via Instagram.

The posts have since been taken down by the social media platform for breaching its guidelines.

No police charges have been laid, and it has not been established if the allegations are true.

The AFL integrity unit is investigating the matter.

“The AFL has been informed of allegations made on social media regarding a Sydney Swans player on Saturday night,” the AFL said in a statement released on Sunday.

“The allegations are extremely serious.

“The AFL has been in contact with local law enforcement and will continue to provide support and assistance for all.

“Due to the nature of the allegations the AFL will be providing no further comment at this time.”

Sydney became aware of the allegations on Saturday night and passed the information to the AFL.

“The allegations are very serious and are being treated as such,” the Swans said in a statement.

“The club has notified the AFL and is not in a position to comment further at this time.”

Taylor, who is originally from WA, remained in Perth after his protocol breach to be with family.

The Swans have moved on to a new hub in Cairns to finish the AFL season.

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